In the third and final installment of Odette showering segments, we are reminded yet again of just how petite and fresh she is. And yet there is a definite sense of womanly experience in front of the cameras. A nice combination indeed! Feast your eyes on her cleaning up after: "Stormy and Odette--Mud Tub Lovin," "Odette Nude in Hollywood Quicksand," "Odette and Jordana in the Mud Spa," "Odette Say in Real Quicksand," 'Stormy and Odette erotic in the Bog and "Star Busts Odette in the Mud Dungeon". Stormy Rose, Jordana Leigh and Star also appear. Do smaller gals clean up faster? It seems so. So pay attention!
This purchase includes the feature video in two parts, plus a complete hi-res photo set. A great value!